Can you believe how far this site has come since it's first appearance on in 1999? was my first website and got me interested in web design. Today it is still hosted and paid for by me. However most the content is provided by you. Thank you to all the alumni over the last 20 years who have made this site a success.

You haven't seen much activity from me on social media or blog posts because I've been busy updating the site design to catch up to modern technology. The new Design has the important announcements up front and easy to find.
And is mobile friendly
The nearly 20 years of content is still here. I have 127 paged to manually look at and reassign custom templates to so please keep returning to see more. And THANK YOU for following us.
How can you help? Click here ...
- Julie Krejci Class of 1979
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Mom, wife, computer geek, web designer, musician, board member, ski bum, bicyclist, camper, glamper, fishing woman, treasure hunter, bookkeeper, office wizard, blogger, vlogger, foodie, and Pampered Chef Independent Consultant, trekking through life in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
This website has been around since before modern code. Some of the pages are crazy to update.